Amy & Davy

Curated by
In a world where interior design becomes more of an art form with each passing day, the homes of individuals like Amy and Davy from Metahaiku offer a glimpse into the fusion of creativity, mindfulness, and personal connection.
Amy and Davy are the creative minds behind Metahaiku, a thoughtful studio dedicated to collaborating with value-aligned businesses on an array of creative projects. But they are more than just a creative team, they are individuals with a deep passion for conscious living.

Their shared vision is clear, they wish to reduce their impact on the planet while crafting beauty and fostering community. The future holds dreams of expanding Metahaiku into the realms of food and design, with the goal of becoming a fully circular and conscious production studio.

Every aspect of the space reflects a personal touch. Handmade curtains, wooden platforms, and cherished treasures bear the mark of their creativity. “Our home is a canvas where both of us have poured our hearts. It’s a constant work in progress that feels like home,” shares Amy.
In their own words, Amy and Davy describe their style as “Comfortable, thoughtful, and beautiful. We consider how everything feels in the space, how it was made, and where it came from.” Their home, doubling as a workspace, is a constant evolution, embodying their creative pursuits and a cosy environment. A place where minimalism meets maximalism. Earthy Japanese elements seamlessly combine with classic Americana and ornate vintage pieces, creating a vibrant and unique atmosphere.

Amy and Davy’s love for naturalness and playfulness is evident in the prints they have chosen for their space. Each print celebrates the inner child and exudes softness and gentle design elements that resonate with their souls. While all the prints hold a special place in their hearts, one stands out as a favourite – “Leaning Woman” by Rosie McGuiness. It encapsulates the perfect blend of playfulness and gentleness that defines their style. This artwork seamlessly fits anywhere they place it, a testament to its versatile charm.