Susanne Buch Petersen

“If I were to describe my artwork in words it would be rhythmical and poetic,” says textile designer and artist Susanne Buch Petersen, based in the southern part of Sweden.
She works mainly with weaves and prints with the intention of creating timeless designs. Her early career as a professional dancer and more recently as a yoga teacher has a discernable influence on her work “I actually started creating art because I wanted to foster work of permanence rather than the transitory nature of movement-based practices.“

Finding Inspiration
Susanne draws inspiration from her immediate environment, particularly through compositions. Viewing compositions as a fundamental element of existence in all things, she works with how it affects her senses and feelings. “It is how we interact with the world and how the world is interacting with us. Our experience depends upon how things are put together – it is a constant exchange of communication.”
“To me, art is a visual impulse and response to the world around me.“