Sara Stribrant

Sara Stribrant is a Swedish graphic designer and art director living in Stockholm.

For more than a decade Sara Stribrant lived and worked in the city of light, Paris. And most of her art pieces have been created surrounded by the distinct Parisienne atmosphere of elegance. She describes her colour palette as having a “French touch” – however, her view of light is heavily inspired by her childhood home and its nature. Sara Stribrant grew up on the Swedish island Gotland where nature is wild, untamed, and always changing.

Happy Place

“I get inspired by architecture, landscapes and materials. My surroundings push me into a special mood that makes me want to create with colours and put it down on paper or canvas.”

Sara Stribrant strives to create something imperfect. Something authentic and abstract that comes together and creates a sense of quiet harmony.

“To me, art is my happy place.”

All prints from Sara Stribrant