Rosie McGuinness

Composed yet colourful still lebens of women and florals are the main motifs running through British artist Rosie McGuinness’ work.

Born in London, Rosie studied womenswear design: “It quickly became apparent that I didn’t have the skills nor the patience for the technicalities of design,” she says. Instead, the now-established artist focused on drawing and illustration. Fashion, did, however, continue to shape and inspire Rosie’s work.

“I like to draw confident, composed women at ease,” Rosie says, and explains that she takes inspiration from the shapes of the figure and the attitude a pose can convey: “The clothing, the hang of the garments, how pattern, fabric, and details work around the body… All combined it encompasses a certain mood and scene.”

Rosie usually works with gouache and ink, but lately, she has also explored mono-printing alongside drawing as much as possible in a continuous attempt to broaden her subject matter.

Working with colours

Without much of a set process, Rosie works quickly and instinctively, which often leads to her producing many versions of the same work. “I like pairing works together or seeing works as a series, with varied elements creating an overall aesthetic or mood which in itself hopefully creates a bit of a scene.”

She goes through phases of using a lot of colours to then preferring to draw without any at all. Rosie’s mix of colours and patterns is playful, yet always maintains an atmosphere of elegance. Using colours for fabric detail, the surroundings, or other elements, in an attempt to achieve some sort of balance and life in the finished work.

“I’m interested in what can be portrayed simply and without conceit.”


Photograph credit: Genevieve Lutkin

All prints from Rosie McGuinness