Leise Dich Abrahamsen

I always end up with the same result: That my art signifies a place of calmness,” says Danish artist Leise Dich Abrahamsen. Her artistic style is both bold and abstract, and the sense of tranquillity is introduced through the organic shapes and the often neutral colour palette. It is a style and a process she has developed and conceptualised for decades.

Through trial and error, Leise has composed a selection of core elements: An archive of shapes, forms and colours. And as a direct correlation of Leise herself, these elements are in constant transformation. In that sense, her body of work represents both her own restlessness, which drives her to keep creating, and a longing to find a space of calmness. 

The result is that her artwork always has a small detail that seems out of place: “I like when something is a little off. It creates movement and I won’t mind if it is not perfect. This is something I think about all the time and try to incorporate even when I create a black dot.

A Place to Stand Still

It can be easy to assume when observing the finished result of Leise’s work that it is somewhat simple. “But it is not. It is showing up every day, even on bad days when I think I am no good.” Leise says laughingly. She enjoys working with highly simplified compositions and often peels away elements or layers until she is left with the perfect balance. 

To Leise, it helps make the viewer of her pieces stand still for a moment and contemplate the meaning of the motif. “There is so much noise in the world. We run around aimlessly and the next crisis is always underway,” she says and continues: “I like that my art creates an intermission. So afterwards you might just experience that something feels a bit more content. You know?”

All prints from Leise Dich Abrahamsen