Jaron Su

Ultimately, artist Jaron Su wants his art to put a smile on your face. “I want my art to be for everyone. The thought of my work as a print, brightening up peoples’ homes all over the world excites me,” he tells.

Jaron was born and raised in Taiwan but has been living in the Netherlands since 2014 with his husband and their cat. From quite an early age he knew that he wanted to and that he had the talent to live off his abilities. His art is a direct representation of his life and vice versa;
“When you look at my art you get a slice of my life. A flower I spotted on my morning run, a place we visited on vacation, a feeling, a story of friends, or something I saw or heard.”

His process of creating art is methodical: He starts with an image in his mind — sometimes it is just an idea or a feeling — and he uses this as a jumping point for visual research. Only at this point, he starts sketching. Testing compositions and colours.
“I document all my research. It’s my painting Bible, where I can trace back the process for every single painting. It’s my record and it stays with me.


A hidden detail

Details are important to Jaron as the story often hides in the detail. “My art wants you to lean in and get close, to take in details, to discover the story,” Jaron says and continues:
“I feel things very strongly, and art is my way to let out those feelings. I want to bring people joy, but joy is never pure. There is always a little bit of sourness in it. I believe that you have to accept the sourness to be able to feel the joy. If you look closely at my paintings, there’s always a little twist.”

All prints from Jaron Su